I am an assistant professor in the Political Science Department and the Human Rights Program at Hunter College, CUNY.
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My first book is Queer Alliances: How Power Shapes Political Movement Formation (2024, Stanford University Press). The book focuses on the problem of building alliances across and within political movements to aid in struggles to overcome inequality and oppression at the grassroots level. I examine the extent to which groups bridged divisions in the LGBTQ, labor, and immigrant rights movements through the development of coalitions that could aid in struggles for rights. The book draws from an original dataset that consists of participant observations and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with organization leaders, advocates, and politicians. It is the first socio-legal study of coalition-based legal rights advocacy by LGBTQ groups, immigrant groups, labor organizations, and groups that represent communities of color in state settings.
Research and Teaching Areas:
Law and Society/Public Law; American Politics; Political Theory; Multi-Methods Research; Critical Theory; Social Movements and Interest Groups; Race and Ethnicity, Gender, and Class (Intersectionality); Gender and Sexuality; Immigration and Labor Politics
Last Updated July 10, 2024
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My first book is Queer Alliances: How Power Shapes Political Movement Formation (2024, Stanford University Press). The book focuses on the problem of building alliances across and within political movements to aid in struggles to overcome inequality and oppression at the grassroots level. I examine the extent to which groups bridged divisions in the LGBTQ, labor, and immigrant rights movements through the development of coalitions that could aid in struggles for rights. The book draws from an original dataset that consists of participant observations and semi-structured, in-depth interviews with organization leaders, advocates, and politicians. It is the first socio-legal study of coalition-based legal rights advocacy by LGBTQ groups, immigrant groups, labor organizations, and groups that represent communities of color in state settings.
Research and Teaching Areas:
Law and Society/Public Law; American Politics; Political Theory; Multi-Methods Research; Critical Theory; Social Movements and Interest Groups; Race and Ethnicity, Gender, and Class (Intersectionality); Gender and Sexuality; Immigration and Labor Politics
Last Updated July 10, 2024